color band中文什么意思

发音:   用"color band"造句
  • color:    n. 1.颜色,色彩;色调;着色;色 ...
  • band:    n. 1.队,团,群;(盗贼等的)帮 ...
  • color band method:    色带测流法; 色带法
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  1. Wmbps system is used in steel tube ' s length measure , weight measure , color band , pin stamp and character stencil . based on wmbps system reconstruction in steel company , tian jiang
  2. Speaking from its outline , shallow and deep color existing alternately is the direct reason why the bands emerged , while the periodical change of the total fe content in the sapphire is the foundmental reason ; in the same band of the same sapphire , the total fe content is nearly the same , so in this sense any spot can respresent the whole band in which the spot lies ; in one sapphire , the deep - color band must contain the higher fe than the shallow one ; the sapphire which exists bands must have a black or a dark blue core , where the fe content is usually higher than other bands . 2


  1. color balance control panel 什么意思
  2. color balance(hls) 什么意思
  3. color balance(rgb) 什么意思
  4. color balancing 什么意思
  5. color balancing filter 什么意思
  6. color band method 什么意思
  7. color banding 什么意思
  8. color bar 什么意思
  9. color bar baseband 什么意思
  10. color bar code 什么意思



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